Monday, November 1, 2010

Midterm Blog Review

My posts always focus on one character from the reading and looks closely at their actions or text. When I re-read my posts I was not surprised that this was my usual focus or at least the starting point. Aristotle named six aspects of theatre, (plot, character, diction, melody, thought, and spectacle)clearly the first thing I analyze is character. Generally, when I read any play, I am reading the characters as I would portray them. I invest a great deal of importance in the development of each character in a play.
My favorite part of this weekly blogging is reading what other students have focused on in their posts. I know what grabs my attention while reading and it interests me to see what stood out for other students. My favorite posts to read are the ones that are very specific so I try to be as specific as possible in my own posts. My first post focused on one line of text from Hypolita in which she shows sympathy for the poor artisans/actors. My most recent post started out focusing on the character of Anne and evolved into a post about the nature of love and hate. That post led me to read a few very interesting articles about the scientific nature of emotions and I hope others found it as interesting.
This is the first class in which I have blogging assignments. I was nervous about it at first but I find freely blogging about what we are reading in class is very helpful. I would go as far as saying that every class should have a blog similar to this one. The creative freedom to write about whatever caught your attention is important in a class where we couldn’t possibly have enough class time to discuss every person’s individual ideas. The blog is like an informal internet classroom and I have found it both interesting and insightful.

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