Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Tempest

  • After reading through Acts III and IV, nothing really caught my attention to blog about, but I have a few comments. While witnessing Ferdinand's love for Miranda, it is almost forbidden by Prospero, the two continue talking behind her father's back and the audience discovers Miranda's name means 'admiration', I found this to be very interesting and cute! It is nice knowing Shakespeare packs meaning behind his characters names. 
  • Moving into Act III scene ii, while the lords wander around the island with Caliban in a drunken state. Although unimportant, there decision is to kill Prospero and overthrow his authority. Immediately after reading this I thought of Richard III, Prospero and Richard were two different characters but shared the same reputation with the public. I of course am not a fan of Prospero but I think Richard was a better villain that Shakespeare created! He kept the play entertaining, Prospero needs the help of Ariel to carry out his evil schemes. In a way, Ariel is relate-able to Richard because of her sneaky actions and nobody can see her! 
  • The opening of Act III scene iii describes yet another plot of murder. Antonio is desperate to kill Alonso, Sebastian is also involved in this plan. They noticed Alonso is getting exhausted from the excessive walking around the island and analyze this as opportune time to pounce. After encountering Ariel and her spirits, Alonso decides to drown himself while Sebastian and Antonio decide to pursue the evil spirits of Ariel. As a side note, Shakespeare re-uses the names Sebastian and Antonio in this play from Twelfth Night. I was wondering the significance behinds these two names and why Shakespeare insists on using them again. They also have identical relationships in both plays, they stick together in a close-knit friendship. 
  • After reading though Act IV, I noticed that the ship-wrecked people are always encountering bad luck, they are presented food and Ariel takes it away, then in Act 4, they are presented clothes and it vanishes. I am starting to tie together the 7 deadly sins. I am aware one of them is gluttony and another is greed. For them to overeat the food presented to them is gluttony and stealing the clothes is greed but it could also be sloth. Maybe they were too lazy to make their own clothes and stealing was a lazy way out. 


Unknown said...

Amanda, your blog really caught my interest. I agree, I enjoy finding the meaning behind Shakespeare's characters names. I find it interesting how you connect Prospero and Richard III, I agree with you completely, Richard was definetly the better villian. I liked the part of your blog where you made the connection of the 7 deadly sins, I too thought the same while reading.

Cyrus Mulready said...

You have the start of four really interesting blog posts here, Amanda! I would have been interested in hearing your further thoughts on any of these topics, but I was especially struck by your comparison of Prospero and Richard. This didn't come to me immediately, but when we think of the total control and power they each exert over their worlds, the comparison makes some sense. It also helps to distinguish what makes The Tempest comedic--while Richard unravels and is destroyed by his failings, Prospero changes, alters his own course, and brings the play to a conclusion of regeneration.