Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Midterm Blog

Throughout all of my blogs, I have followed the different kinds of injustices prevalent in Shakespearan times and compared them to contemporary times. I tend to focus on the way people of different religions, politics, and cultures are treated by the English. I often write about this because I find it interesting to compare to today’s society. Despite the fact that we believe we are much more civilized or evolved than the people of Shakespeare’s time, we still are guilty of many of the same social injustices that were committed during Shakespeare’s time. Many different forms of hatred and injustice are still directed towards all kinds of people from different classes, religions, and cultures due to sheer ignorance. I think it’s interesting how deeply seeded within the psyche of human beings these tendencies towards these civil injustices seem to be. Initially, I focused all my posts around this topic because I was thinking of doing my research paper on something relating to injustices in Shakespeare, but now I’m not sure if I will adhere to this plan.
 I see some problems in my blogs, although the overall quality I feel has improved. My initial blog tries to link together two ideas, the legal system and the oppression of Shylock in “Merchant of Venice.” Although I do this fairly well, these are both big topics which could have easily been split up; I think the blog would have been better executed had I picked one of the two topics. I realized this prior to my next post and tried to make the following blogs more focused on one particular topic. Overall, I find the blogging to be most valuable. It encourages me to think more critically about the text I am writing about and expand upon new ideas not mentioned in class and draw new conclusions for myself. 

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