Monday, May 16, 2011

Shakespeare's villians

What can I say, I'm a sucker for Kenneth Branagh. I know we didn't read Othello this semester, but it was stated that we can post a clip that has effected our readings of Shakespeare on a whole and this bit from Kenneth Branagh has influenced me more then any other I've seen. The way he turns from jovial and flippant to totally sinister amazes me every time I see it and the suble change in the music score always gives me chills. It was this speech that made me so enthralled with Shankespeare's villians and has influenced the way I've read them ever since. Out of the all characters we've read this semester it was Edmond of "King Lear" I found most compelling and I have no doubt that it was this version of "Othello" and it's portrayal of Iago that influenced me to appreciate the chess master villains like those two in Shakespeare and many other fictional works.

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