Monday, November 1, 2010

Midterm Reflection

I missed one blog post so far for Much Ado About Nothing I'd like to say it was because of my witty sense of thinking to not post on soemthing that is all about nothing, but that's a lie. I just couldn't think of anything original to post on and didn't want to post a copy post of what someone else said.

But the two posts I didn't miss were on A Midsummer Night's Dream and on Othello which i think is sort of interesting since one's a comedy and one is a tragedy. Yet, i seemed to analyze them both as tragedy rather than AMSND as a comedy.

I know when I went to write Othello, my original post was going to be on Iago and tracking the Devil in him and following The story of the Garden of Eden in Othello in general (which I did manage to trace profusely and am thinking of using it as my essay topic instead, perhaps comparing it to Richard III). This would have been more like commonplacing Othello rather than posting in general. However, i changed to my current post that stemmed from a topic in class.
I was actually quite happy with that post on Othello since i did a lot of thinking on it.
For AMSND I focused singly on Oberon and if i did the original Iago post it would have been another single character post, and both characters would have been on characters not well liked. Both my posts focus mainly on characters and their stories. I notice i also play 'what if' games. I'm constantly coming up with scenarios after the story or why someone has become this way or what led them to be that way.

Both my posts i found were more general than specific. I don't analyze the text itself but the all around story and characters. I recognized this since the first post, and hopefully my coming up posts will actually go into more detailed analysis of specific text.

I also noticed my posts are very opinionated. I tend to say "I think" in them a lot.

But i have to say overall i do like the two post topics i made though i wish i used a little more texts to support my posts.

I know I wanted to post on Twelfth Night because it was such a fun play but I wasn't supposed to post that week, (unless of course you're allowed to post whenever you want?)
I have to say i do enjoy the concept of blogging. I think its a wonderful way to formulate ideas. My only issue with it is that we're separated into different weeks/groups and if we do a play a week/every 3 days you tend to miss a play to post on, or get stuck only posting on the beginning when by the end of the play you might have wanted to post something totally different. I think I personally would have prefered just having the ability to post on each play. That way also you get to comment on everyone's ideas as opposed to the same opposite group's posts.

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