Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Midterm Blogging

Blogging has not gone very well for me this semester hence why this post is being put up now. Even though we live in such a technologically driven era, I am not very technologically friendly. I found the blogs extremely hard to keep up and commit to because it’s something I’m not use to. I’ve never been asked to blog for a class before and really found out how much I prefer interacting in class discussions and with people personally more. To express my thoughts or analysis wasn’t the issue, but to commit to the computer whenever assigned was where I had the most trouble. I do think that blogging is a good way to stir up discussions outside of the classroom and enable people an opportunity to express themselves more freely but can be a struggle for certain people if they are not into technology or keep up with dates.

The blog that I did write I can definitely say was not my best work. I did notice that I do like to write about my initial expectations and thoughts and how they differ by the end of a play. I really like to draw on final scenes because it is those that leave audiences either content or guessing. Through my Merchant of Venice post I have taken heed that all endings are not what they appear to be at first. I automatically thought the play ended happily…guess I’m a true believer in happily ever after. But through that blog I’ve learned that every aspect of a play needs analyzing and not just the beginning. I’m so used to picking apart beginnings in order to understand the plot of the play that I was losing another perspective as far as the endings.

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