Monday, February 22, 2010

how will the events of measure for measure unfold?

One of the first questions I have after reading acts 2 and 3 of Measure for Measure is whether or not Claudio will live, and if so, what will have to be done to achieve this. Will Isabella have to in fact sleep with Angelo? Or will they be able to get Angelo to think twice about his request? I am interested to see the further development of the request between Angelo and Isabella, and what will come of it when a decision is made. I feel like Isabella will not go through with Angelo's request to sleep with her, as was discussed when they plotted to bring Mariana in. I believe that something will get Angelo to reconsider his options, and hopefully free Claudio.

Also, I am wondering if we will see more of the Mariana that was spoken of, and if her presence or even the idea of her will have a great impact on the way these events unfold. Maybe seeing Mariana will get Angelo to realize his request is uncalled for and hypocritical, and Claudio will be permitted to live. I feel like in a lot of Shakespeare’s works, there is often attention drawn to hypocritical characters and their choices throughout the play, and I definitely see Angelo as a hypocritical character from my reading so far. Reminding him of his relationship with Mariana and all that had happened with them may be what Angelo needs in order to think about his practices, and may make him realize that he is condemning someone (Claudio) for something he himself has basically done as well.

I also have been wondering what particular reason the Duke has for going into hiding and putting Angelo in charge. He could be doing it as a test to see how Angelo handles power maybe, or he could be doing it to teach Angelo a lesson about power. Maybe he wants Angelo to see what it is like to be in power and wants him to learn how to behave correctly in a position of power. At the same time, I can’t help but think that the Duke has done this in order to make himself look better as well. If he can get Angelo to strictly enforce rules and look like an unsympathetic leader, maybe he thinks that he can come in and “save the day” from the vicious Angelo, so that way everyone will be thankful to have such a wonderful, gracious leader.

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